Changelog - How Popwork gets better, every week

Week 36 - Access action items when answering a ritual ✅

Florian avatar
Shared by Florian • September 14, 2023

We have released a series of improvements to help team members better leverage Popwork data when answering questions.

Team members can now access their action items, which is particularly useful when answering the achievements, priorities or challenges questions.

More broadly, team members can now access all their past answers in the side panel accessible in a single click.

We have also the design of the progress bar and show tips more clearly below each question.

Other improvements:

  • Clicking on Popwork logo now redirects team members to their workspace
  • Several responsive improvements have been made to buttons and labels

If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.

The Popwork team 🤟