Changelog - How Popwork gets better, every week
New πŸ†•

Complete and share Performance reviews

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ March 25, 2025

Coaching sessions have been renamed Performance reviews to better reflect their usage. They now come with the possibility to close and share the review.

When managers click the Complete and share the review button, the review is locked and a pdf version of the review is made available in the Company section of Popwork.

You can now use Performance reviews on Popwork this way:

1/ Manager sets the date of the meeting

2/ Employee answers preparatory questions

3/ Manager is notified, reads answers and prepares feedback

4/ The meeting takes place

5/ Manager shares feedback & actions

6/ Manager can now complete and share the review

7/ HR can access the review in the Company section


Better filters & draft notes

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ March 11, 2025

We have brought a few improvements to Popwork:

  • Filters on shared workspaces are easier to use
  • Upcoming rituals can be shown using filters
  • Managers notes on rituals can be saved as draft before being shared with team members

To filter your workspace to only show specific content, choose one or more labels to filter on ritual type, ritual status and answer type.

To preview upcoming rituals, use the filter and choose "Upcoming rituals".

If you're not ready to share manager notes straight away, you can now save your draft at any time and share the note later. Shared managers notes can also be edited. Team members can react to manager notes with emojis and comments.

Notifications πŸ””
New πŸ†•

Receive Popwork notifications in Microsoft Teams (or Slack)

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ February 28, 2025

You can now choose to receive Popwork notifications and messages in Microsoft Teams (or Slack).

A lot of users have asked us to add the option of receiving Popwork notifications and messages in their instant messaging app rather than email.

We added the Slack integration a few months ago and are happy to announce that Popwork is now available in Microsoft 365 Teams!

Learn how to connect Popwork to Microsoft Teams here.

Design 🎨

New reactions on rituals answers

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ February 12, 2025

We pushed a new version of our emoji and comment reactions on ritual answers.

It is now easier on desktop and mobile to quickly react to an answer by adding the emoji of your choice (all emojis available) or a comment.

The new button floats on the right side of any block you hover with your mouse on desktop.

Emoji reactions and comment buttons are always displayed on mobile.

Hope you like it

Design 🎨

New layout and filters

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ February 05, 2025

We have launched our new layout for Popwork.

Benefits of the new layout include:

  • Perfectly responsive across all screen size
  • Homogenous design across views
  • Retractable right-side panel for more focus

On top of the new layout, we have added new filters to help you navigate through your rituals:

  • Rituals: filter on ritual type (1:1 meeting, objectives, coaching conversation)
  • Status: upcoming, current or past
  • Answers: focus on one answer label

Let us know what you think!

Bug fixes 🐞

Bug hunt and fixes

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ January 28, 2025

Thanks to feedback from users and analyses, we were able to spot and fix a number of bugs on Popwork.

  • When managers planned the first meeting of a weekly 1:1 meeting, an issue could affect the date of that said meeting. It's now fixed.

  • Pasting text in an answer while preparing for a ritual wasn't working properly. It's now fixed.

  • Some users were experiencing display issues on the Actions view for specific display sizes. It's now fixed.

  • For admins, the indicator of Payment status on the Subscription page was showing the "Last payment failed" notice correctly. It's now fixed.

  • During the onboarding for new managers, the emoji picker for the team was displayed incorrectly on mobile. It's now fixed.

Hope this makes your experience on Popwork better and please share any issue you notice directly with us through the app chat :)


New feedback cards design

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ January 24, 2025

We have redesigned the Popwork feedback cards for more clarity and readability.

The new cards now feature colored labels at the top right corner and a reduced font size.

When receiving feedback, you can react with our new emoji picker or by commenting.


New emoji reactions

Johann avatar
Shared by Johann β€’ January 23, 2025

It's now easier to add quick reactions to feedback you receive thanks to our new emoji picker.

The new emoji picker is easier to use on desktop and mobile, contains all emojis and you are now able to add multiple emoji reactions for each feedback.

Hope you like it ✌️


Week 43 - Templates to request feedback πŸ“€

Florian avatar
Shared by Florian β€’ October 21, 2024

We have release a new improvement that will streamline the way you request feedback!

When asking for feedback, you can now choose from a range of templates to tailor your request to specific topics, such as:

  • General feedback πŸ“
  • Areas of strengths πŸ’ͺ
  • Areas of improvement 🎯
  • Management feedback πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό

These templates make it easier to guide the feedback you receive and ensure you’re getting the insights you need. Of course, you can still ask your own custom questions when necessary!

Other improvements:

  • Team members are now also invited to request feedback to their manager after sharing their answers in preparation of a 1:1 meeting

If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.

The Popwork team 🀟

Notifications πŸ””
New feature

Week 42 - Quick access to unread comments πŸ’¬

Florian avatar
Shared by Florian β€’ October 21, 2024

You can now view all unread comments directly from each individual workspace.

This ensures you never miss important comments, making it easier to stay on top of your ongoing discussions!

To access unread comments, simply select a workspace and click the comment icon at the top right of the screen, next to private notes.

Other improvements:

  • Improved the format of feedback and comment notifications in Slack, which now include a preview of the message sent
  • Changed the wording of the call to action to share improvement feedback for "Suggest an improvement" instead of "Help to progress"

If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.

The Popwork team 🀟