We have added a new dashboard to help Admins and Managers make sure everyone has defined objectives and track their progression status at all levels of the company.
This dashboard also provides visibility on the average number of objectives per person and the list of employees with no defined objectives.
Admins can access this new objectives dashboard from their Company menu (Dashboard) and Managers from their Team menu (Analytics).
Other improvements:
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The Popwork team 🤟
Admins now have access to mood and workload insights and their evolution at individual level. This is particularly helpful to understand the trend behind mood and workload scores.
However, please note that detailed answers remain only visible by the manager and team member themselves to preserve trust and confidentiality.
Other improvements:
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Managers now have access to a brand new dashboard providing them visibility on their own perimeter, that is to say their direct reports and everyone under them
The same way, Admins can do it at company level, Managers can drill down their own org chart and visualize key metrics on mood and workload as well as the number of 1:1 meetings completed by team members and feedback given by managers.
This will help Managers to monitor and understand the evolutions of these key metrics for their own perimeter and get alerts on people at risk.
We also did a series of improvements to make user management on Popwork more straightforward.
From their settings, Admins are now clearly notified with a red callout when there is an “action required” on specific users. A required action can be assigning the user a role, giving them a manager or simply deleting them.
Admins can also filter users by role (manager, team member, admin) or search users with our search bar
Finally, we have improved the Admin workflow to create users.
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The Popwork team 🤟
Every start of the month, Popwork Admins now receive a snapshot of their company key management indicators straight in their mailbox.
They get an overview of mood and workload levels as well as the number of one-to-one meetings completed over the past month.
To dig further, Admins can open their full company dashboard where they can browse across teams, understand the evolutions of these indicators and get alerts on employees at risk.
We also fixed a few calculations regarding:
Other improvements
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The Popwork team 🤟
Managers can now send a friendly reminder to ask one of their team members to answer an upcoming ritual. This reminder comes on top of the usual reminder schedule automatically sent by Popwork.
To send a reminder, managers only need to click on the Options button on a ritual card and click on “Send a friendly reminder”.
Last but not least, we made a series of small improvements as detailed below.
Improvements to the company dashboard:
Improvements to the team members workspace:
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
This week we have enriched the company dashboard with a brand new tab on management practices.
Admins now have visibility on the number of 1:1 meetings completed by team members and feedback given by managers.
They can also drill down their organization visualizing metrics for their overall company, specific teams or individuals. Colors are here to help users quickly visualize where issues are:
Finally, Admins benefit from proactive alerts on management practices as they have access to a list of team members not completing any 1:1 meetings with their managers.
This new set of management indicators will help companies roll-out and monitor management practices across their organization. More insights on objectives will be added in the course of January. Stay tuned!
Other improvements:
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Popwork admins now benefit from our brand new company dashboard.
This new dashboard enables you to monitor key engagement metrics, their evolution and automatic alerts.
Furthermore, admins can now explore their organization right in the dashboard visualizing metrics for their overall company, specific teams or individuals.
In a nutshell, the new company dashboard enables you to:
Below is a short video from Johann introducing these updates.
More insights will be added early in January, including 1:1, feedback and objectives indicators. Stay tuned!
Other improvements:
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Admins can now visualize and edit the management rituals available to their managers.
Popwork templates are a robust basis used by thousands of teams, but you may want to customize them to fit perfectly with your company culture.
As an Admin, to visualize these rituals and the template question, simply go to Company > Rituals & trainings.
To customize these management rituals for your company, click on the “Talk to an expert” button and a Popwork expert will get in touch with you to consult and configure the best rituals for your company together with you.
For each template, you will be able to:
Note that managers will still be able customize rituals for their own teams, including:
Other improvements:
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Since a few weeks, managers and team members can share access to their workspace with other users such as dotted-line managers or N+2.
Now, users that are given access can not only read answers but also:
Other improvements:
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟
Account administrators can now export users in csv.
This is particularly useful to reconcile employee directory and list of users in Popwork. This can help admins to make sure Popwork users are up to date and managers are correctly assigned.
Exports can be done at any time from Settings > Users & Roles > Export users.
The csv export includes the following attributes:
Other improvements:
If you’d like to know what we’re building next, check our product roadmap.
The Popwork team 🤟